Thursday, September 25, 2008


Can't remember exactly which day it was- but I know it was in this past week- but I recall the weatherwoman remarking about it being the first day of fall. YEA! I love fall! Love the color of the fall leaves on the mountain, love the little bit of "crispness" in the air, and love the fact I can start to wear jeans & hoodies again! Now as much as I love the change of seasons, I've gotten to thinking a little bit deeper about "seasons". (Forgive me- been a little more "reflective" as of late) I have sat & thought endlessly about the seasons of my life. When I look back on my 32 years of life, I think of all the different seasons I've been through. Some have seemed more enjoyable, some more exciting, some definitely harder w/more struggles, and some much, much more relaxing! Some of the seasons I've been through when I was a young teenager where I was more concerned about having a "good time" than anything else or when I was a young mom of only 2 boys & I was busy figuring out where I wanted my life to go- seem sooo long ago. Like a different lifetime. I feel like I'm now in the season of raising my children. Doing my very best to make sure they are well-fed, clothed, happy, healthy, smart, well-mannered, kind, & prepared for what life may have in store for them. But what's hard for me is this: I feel like I also have other seasons that also overlap this one. I am also in a season of trying to establish a new business while managing another, of being a huge support business-wise for my husband, trying to be there in many capacities for my extended family, trying to fulfill my callings to the best of my ability, trying to be the best kind of friend I know how to be and of being constantly busy! I never feel like I get to just sit still. I find that life has thrown things my way that I've overcome & they seemed so big- yet looking back now- I see they were so small. Many of my seasons have overlapped & continue to do so. I remember reading a devotional message on the topic of seasons & there was a phrase of being "seasoned to perfection". I just have one sincere hope & desire in relation to that: I hope that I can continue faithfully & diligently through this season of my life & all the seasons to come- until one day I am "seasoned to perfection". I hope I can gain understanding, empathy, compassion, faith, perspective, patience, insight, & many, many happy memories from all of them! I want to get all that I can out of each of my seasons- which means I might need to slow down enough to enjoy each of them for what they offer, instead of wishing the next one to come along sooner! So- here's to sitting back & enjoying my season!!!