Saturday, September 20, 2008

Work, work, and more work!

The last couple months have been full of me trying to catch up on the mountains of paperwork that I had previously been avoiding! I set a goal to get caught up on all the Autoboss paperwork, Btfl condos paperwork, & get the pawn shop on an accounting system- all by the time we go to Hawaii at the beginning of November. I'm happy to say that I've done 2 of the 3. The pawnshop paperwork & accounting is a BEAST! It's new & confusing & I'm struggling to figure out the best way to track everything. I'm offering up some sure signs to support my conclusion that I'm working way too much lately!-
First: Cam's office chair has a permanent imprint of my buttocks! No joke!
Second: I've found that the paperwork follows me into my dreams! Seriously, who dreams about paperwork???
Third: Have you seen the state of chaos that my house is in at the moment? For those of you that have witnessed the aftermath of the Winquist children cyclone- I apologize!
Lastly: I'm soo unable to focus & do well at anything else! Can't get up in the morning for workouts (sorry again for sleeping in today Tami), can't be a good friend to all of you & do all the "neighborly" things I'd like to do, & can't perform well in the mothering department (yep, sent Sadie all dressed in orange w/her orange show-n-tell on RED day! oops- orange is next week!)And the worst part of it is this- I'm blogging about it due to the sad truth that I'm too exhausted to walk the 3 feet it would require to get the camera so I'd be able to blog about something somewhat interesting to all of you! Instead- you get this! By the way- it's 1:36 AM & I'm so exhausted, I can't sleep! Too much on my mind & can't shut it down. I think this will go down in history as one of the most pointless blog posts ever! Sorry- I love you all & thank you for your patience as I attempt to slay the paperwork dragon so I can come out & play again soon!