Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"H" is for Hiking

One of the whole points of our family's "alphabet days", is to find various activities that we can do as a family that are different, fun, & exciting! Part of the fun is to have the kids take part in thinking of unique things to do & helping plan them out! Last week for FHE- we talked about the many blessings our Heavenly Father has given us that are all around us that we may see every single day, yet not really recognize as a blessing! Personally, having lived all over the world, I know that one thing I always missed when not living in Utah- is our beautiful mountains! I LOVE camping, love hiking, just love looking out my windows & seeing the gorgeous view of our mountains! So- we went hiking up along the Bonneville Shoreline with the kids. Fairly easy hike for the little ones- good one for a 1st hike back for me since my ankle & surgery! It was SO stinking cute to see Sadie try to be such a big girl & hike on her own! It was also cool to see Drew offer Jess & Jody piggy-back rides when they got tired! The weather was nice & cool up there & there were no distractions like phones to take away from our family-time! We saw a bunny which reminded me of how different my boys & girls are from each other (the girls said "aww-how cute" while my boys said "oh- I wish we had a shotgun") It was fun to chat with my kids! We even got the bonus of watching a gorgeous sunset! I loved it! It reminded me of how much I truly love to hike & how much I need to get back to doing it more often!

"K" is for Kangaroo Zoo

Alright- so- I'm very behind on our summer alphabet days!! Unlike last year, I've decided skipping around is okay. Jenny was sweet enough to invite us to go to Kangaroo Zoo yesterday. Now- even tho this is embarrasing-I'll still share: when she said Kangaroo Zoo, I for some reason thought- an actual zoo! I know- I'm a goober! I thought, "wow, maybe it's some sort of petting zoo for like Australian animals or something"! Ya- it was definitely not one of my more intelligent moments, I admit!! But, the kids were still happy to spend time playing on all of the fun inflatable toys they had there. I took Tami's 3 kids while her & Megan were home with the stomach bug. They all played for a couple hours & enjoyed themselves being wild as they wanted! (PS- I was making a big effort to be a "good, fun, interactive mom" & play with the kids on all the slides, etc. However, I think it's pretty overrated- due to the multiple raspberries I received on my elbows & ankle from the toys! Maybe I'm better off just watching from the sidelines!)